Terms and conditions
This text contains the legal notice and the mandatory conditions of use that regulate access, navigation and use, in any form, of the website accessible in www.jordicabarrocas.com
1. Main information
By virtue of the provisions of art. 10 of Law 34/2002, of July 11, on services of the information society and electronic commerce, it is reported that this website belongs to JORDI CABARROCAS, represented by
C. Sant Feliu, 42
17240 Llagostera (Girona)
Contact telephone: 607 357 425
Contact e-mail: info@jordicabarrocas.com
2. Object of the web page
The purpose of this website is to offer information and promote the activities of JORDI CABARROCAS, double bassist and bassist of different formations, among them: Els Pescadors de l'Escala, Bolling Ensemble, Pastorets de Banyoles and The Firal Band.
JORDI CABARROCAS will in no case be responsible for errors and/or omissions that may exist in the information provided, nor the application or the specific use that could be made of it.
JORDI CABARROCAS reserves the right to modify at any time and without prior notice the content of the web page and this Legal warning.
3. Access to the website
The service provider grants general access to the web to all Internet users without the need to register.
4. Contact and Information
If the user would like to contact the owner of the page, he can do so through the following e-mail: info@jordicabarrocas.com
In this case, the personal information received will be treated in accordance with our privacy policy, with the user solely responsible for false or inaccurate statements made.
5. Use of the Website
The user undertakes to browse the website diligently and respecting the previously described purpose, as well as morals, good customs and public order.
The user undertakes not to use the information about the activities or services of JORDI CABARROCAS to develop activities contrary to laws, morality or public order.
For this purpose, the provider does not authorize the user in any case to use any of the content for purposes or effects unlawful, prohibited in this text, harmful to the rights and interests of third parties, or that in any way may damage, render useless, overload, deteriorate or prevent the normal use of the contents, of other users or of any user of Internet.
Users will be responsible for damages of any kind that JORDI CABARROCAS or third parties may suffer, directly or indirectly, as as a result of the breach of any of the obligations arising from the use of the website.
6. Opinions published
www.jordicabarrocas.com makes available to users the possibility of publishing comments on the website.
Any comment that, due to its bad manners, to be of unpleasant, aggressive or annoying content or to contain attacks on third parties, or for any other reason that, in the judgment of the service provider, exceeds the limits of coexistence with other users, may be edited or deleted without the need to notify the author beforehand.
Any form of advertising, offer, purchase or sale, spam, etc. is expressly prohibited by the service provider.
No comments that promote illegal, criminal activity or intellectual property violations will be allowed.
Comments written with unintelligible characters (SMS style) as well as the abusive use of capital letters, to make reading difficult.
The messages or comments made are the sole responsibility of the users who write them. JORDI CABARROCAS does not verify or support, nor is it responsible in any way for the content of the expressions poured into the comments by users.
In any case, from www.jordicabarrocas.com the help of all users is requested in order to to preserve the norms of good coexistence in the comments made, so we ask that in case you notice any offensive, annoying, unpleasant comment, or that may constitute an illegal act, communicate it quickly by email info@jordicabarrocas.com in order to take the appropriate measures.
Així mateix, s’informa que la recepció de la comunicació anterior no tindrà per sí mateixa el caràcter de “coneixement efectiu” que es refereix la Llei 34/2002, de 11 de juliol de serveis de la societat de la informació i de comerç electrònic.
7. Responsibility
JORDI CABARROCAS is not responsible for damages of any kind caused to the user resulting from errors or disconnections to the telecommunications networks that cause the interruption of the service of the Web page during the provision of the service.
Access to the Web portal does not imply the need on the part of JORDI CABARROCAS to control the absence of viruses , "worms" or any other harmful computer element. The user must have appropriate tools for the detection and disinfection of harmful computer programs.
JORDI CABARROCAS is not responsible for the damage caused to the computer equipment, documents and files of users or third parties during provision of the service.
8. About the elements of the Web page
The different elements of the web page are under the legal protection of Spanish legislation and its rights author belong to or have been transferred to JORDI CABARROCAS.
Partial or total reproduction of the portal, and its computer processing, as well as commercial use and exploitation, is prohibited. in any of its forms of source code, images, texts, information, logos or graphic designs, photographs, animations, software and any other type of written, audiovisual or sound content that is collected on the page Web.
Notwithstanding the above, if users consider that the images or elements of the website may constitute an intrusion in your own image, or may cause violations of Intellectual Property, please contact us by email at info@jordicabarrocas.com. Once received, the company undertakes to analyze the possible incidence and, in its case, appropriate measures will be taken.
9. Hyperlinks or Links
The web page may display links to other portals or web pages. In this case, JORDI CABARROCAS will act as an intermediary service provider and will only be responsible for the contents of those pages if he had actual knowledge of the illegality of those contents and had not acted diligently to delete or disable the 'link.
In any case, if the user considers that the linked content is illegal or inappropriate, he can communicate this in JORDI CABARROCAS sending an email to info@jordicabarrocas.com. The provider will analyze the content and its possible inadequacy and, in any case, proceed to delete the link. In any case, the receipt of the above communication will not have the character of "effective knowledge", according to the provisions of Law 34/2002, of July 11, on services of the information society and electronic commerce.
On the other hand, users can add links from their own web pages to this portal, whenever , it is for a purely informative purpose and with no intention of discriminating or discrediting the company. Likewise, the referral of links between the web pages will not in any case imply a commercial relationship. Without prejudice to the above, it will be prohibited to establish frames that surround the page or allow the visualization of the contents through portals other than www.jordicabarrocas.com.
10. Advertising
The website may host advertising or sponsored content. JORDI CABARROCAS will not be responsible for any error or irregularity of the said advertising messages, the advertisers or sponsors being the only ones responsible for ensuring that the material sent for inclusion on the Web complies with the laws that may be applicable in each case.
11. Applicable legislation
This legal information, as well as the privacy and cookies policy and the general conditions, is governed by the legislation Spanish.
For the resolution of any conflict that may arise from accessing the website, JORDI CABARROCAS and the user will expressly submit to the Courts and Tribunals, waiving any other general or special jurisdiction that may apply to them.